Rudi Zimmerer

miracles happen

Yes miracles happen when we are open for new opportunities/solutions and just work continuously in small steps, without fixing our mind on results/goals. For me is it stupid to be fixed on specific outcome/goals, because I know, God knows it better then me, what is the best for me…Even then I am a great Goal setter for my entire life. With 5 I want to become an engineer, even I could hardly speak, in the school and for my parents I was a catastrophe… they called me fool, could not learn writing as a dyslexic, went on a low grade school… But I had the faith, because I was reading the Best of Reader”s digest… (Now I am struggling to write this name…) …What plan should I make in such helpless situation? How should I make my matriculation? No chance… When I tried I failed in 4 subjects (English, German, Physics, Technical Geometry…) and then I made it in the oral examination … And as A student I made my Diploma engineer.. (even now I can’t write engineer). The reasons are, why people are failing: they are full under tension, in order to get the outcome; they are not open for new opportunities…they are inflexible… And so miracles can’t happen. When I was preparing for the international Yacht license, 4years ago,… I could not prepare well (70% are failing in the examination), I could go only through 20% of the examination question. I went to the city Hanover, coming from Bangkok, and there was a traffic jam… I reached finally the school and went in the wrong examination (for painter) after a half hour I recognize that and then I was looking like a mad guy for the right room, I found the room, they gave me the examination question,… I had a blackout… and then I decided: just do your best, don’t care for results…. I calmed down, because I could not fail… I could do only my best. Then the practical examination with driving a motor boat, again I was nervous, forgot the knots…was not used on motorboats … At the end, I made the examination as one of the best…. And this is what counts, the results and not that we had been right… This means mostly of the time I am wrong… And then miracles can happen….

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