Rudi Zimmerer

9 Tips to Get Rid of Parasites & Candida

If we eat certain food, like shrimp… we get harmful organisms and bacteria in our guts. After some time we will get leaky guts and then so many diseases like dementia will develop in our body.
Even worse, we can get the superbug that kills everybody from the shrimps…
What should we do?
1. Don’t expose your body to parasites or sugar!
This means a huge No to sushis or every meat, fish, scrimp, and poultry that is not entirely heated up… shrimp, lobster, and crabs are the worst.
Sugar feeds, all parasites and Candida well…
2. Eat in a relaxed setting & eat outside… Because it helps digestion.
Food that is not digested fully is the best breed for parasites.
3. Use digestive Enzymes. The body needs enzymes for digestion.
Only in raw food are enzymes. And if you don’t eat enough raw food you should supplement it. Or eat unprocessed, uncooked fermented food, because it is with enzymes and probiotics!
4. Use herbal medicine or ivermectin to kill parasites.
Black walnut
Oregano herb (I use oregano oil for sinus and coughing) just 600mg/day is enough
Cloves supplements, not the spices.
5. Take fiber
Psyllium (You can do a colon cleanse with Psyllium and Bentonite clay).
6. Full body detox, for at least 2 months.
7. Probiotic food, like fermented vegetables, soya beans, and yogurt…
8. Functional protein powder that repairs the gut within 5 days.
9. Body-mind complexly
If you are in a bad relationship, stressed, and can’t let go of your problems or past, otherwise you will get the parasites again and again
My Video: 9 Tips to Get Rid of Parasites & Candida
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