Rudi Zimmerer

We should chase fulfillment and not happiness?

Chasing happiness doesn’t work…

We get Worldly Happiness:
if a desire is fulfilled,
if we buy what we like,
if our goal is successfully achieved,
if our spouse, friend, family, or kid is doing what we want… This might happen…

And if we can’t get the things that we want we are unhappy…

So that we are most of the time unhappy.

When we do what we enjoy, regardless if we are successful or not, we enjoy our time.

That makes more sense than doing things just for money.

At Harvard University, they have done a survey with kids…
Kids should paint a picture, without getting anything and they enjoy that.
From the moment they got something valuable for every picture, they didn’t enjoy painting anymore…

Fulfillment is much more than Happiness.

The rich, successful, or religious people want us to believe that through serving them or somebody else we get fulfillment.

For sure, fools believe in this and the rich, successful, or religious people exploit us!

I have helped many people and I didn’t feel any fulfillment.

Fulfillment comes by itself and we have no control over it and we can’t even forecast when we get fulfillment!

And that is good so…

I surrender my life to God and get fulfillment through that. But when I get it I don’t know.
Or when I have done a good job.
When I meditate or do my Qigong I get bliss for free.

If you selflessly help people you get punished for that.
The world’s reward is ungratefulness… Bible.

Still, we help out of fun and don’t expect anything back.

And we don’t need to force us to help people that we don’t know… For sure, we help our family and our friends.

My Video: We should chase fulfillment and not happiness?
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