Rudi Zimmerer

How multitasking are you until you lose focus?

If we focus only on one task, we get something meaningful done that is satisfying…
So more tasks we do at the same time, so more focus we lose and so more unsatisfying we are. At the end of the day, we feel that we have nothing done or completely done.
In most firms, we get interrupted during our workflow and feel disturbed and distracted.
If we could do one task at a time, life would be more fulfilling.
We divide our tasks into many small tasks to fit into our schedule so that we feel happy if we can completely do one small task.
On the other hand, if we feel stacked, then it is better to change the task and do something else, so that our subconsciousness can work on our problems, by doing something differently.
In this case, we do some routine jobs that don’t require thinking or much focus.
Afterward, we are much more creative.
My Video: How multitasking are you until you lose focus?
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