Rudi Zimmerer

Become yourself and light up your shadow…

After Carl Gustav Jung
90 % of our persona is hidden as unconscious or collective unconscious that decides mostly all things in our lives.
We are not aware of our unconscious, otherwise, it would not be unconscious…

We have created through our ego a fake persona, that is not truthful …
The problem is until we are not aware which part of ourselves decides for ourselves we are just a slave of our unconsciousness.
Today we call that also our belief system ….
And that is a part of our shadow.

If our belief system is wrong programmed we can’t get the things that we want or that would make us happy and self-content.

Even worse we are chasing things that will not make us happy.

So we have to light up our shadows to become our real selves.

For instance

You had a very aggressive father and he had a decent reputation…He earned big money and people loved him… might be true for my father…

You want to be a good person and so you reject your aggression inside of yourself and try to be nice and kind to everybody…
This is just a cover-up from your real self.
After some time you have accumulated so much anger inside of yourself that you explode like a volcano in a normal situation or even worse you suppress your anger so much that you get sick, for instance, you get allergies (allergies are anger related)…

It is better to be whole than to be good!

If you suppress your anger then you suppress your power!

The only healthy way is to accept your anger or integrate your anger in your personality…

Anger is great, because
it is the power to change yourself, your circumstances,…
to work very hard,
to train your body,
to make your body strong,
to do garden work,
I can list here thousands of things where anger applied is good…
Even Sex is related to anger, what is an orgasm?
If I am angry I do the things that I don’t like …
Without anger, I have no power…

In your shadow are also positive abilities that you can use for yourself…

For instance, there is a guy who can’t write or speak correctly…
And later this guy has his blog, writing books out of fun even in a foreign language…

There is a guy who is hyperactive later he becomes a well-adored Yogi in India who is mediating the entire day…

Or a stout atheist becomes a God lover…

And actually, you have seen or heard this person…

We have to discover ourselves and for that, we need a therapist, a couch, and meditation.
Alone you can just scrap the surfaces from your shadow!
Don’t waste your time, get a therapist or couch…

Mike Tyson would not be the greatest boxer of all time if he didn’t have a couch that exposed his shadow.
And then Thyson became unstoppable…


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