Rudi Zimmerer

How to heal Toe Nail Fungus?

1/2 cup apple cider vinegar or white vinegar

1/2 cup warm water

1 Tablespoon of salt

Keep it in a bottle
Every day for 10 minutes soak your nails in this solution …
Take a plastic bag put cotton wool inside and fix it with a rubber ring around your big toe or toes or fingernail…
It is crucial, After soaking your toe or finger rinse and wash your nail with water to get rid of that solution.

The vinegar destroys the fungus, prevents the fungus grow…
If you don’t believe that put vinegar on a wall with molt and wash after 10 minutes the vinegar from the wall…
The salt is anti-inflammatory.

Or use a 3% solution of Water peroxide H2 O2 instead of vinegar salt solution.

How to prevent fungus infection?
Keep your feet dry, expose them to sunlight
And change wet socks as soon as possible
Use anti-fungus powder in your shoes

Fungus loves dark and wet areas, so wash feet and dry them
Use sandals in swimming pool areas…


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