18 or 19 months ago, it all began…
When solar flares increase, they significantly impact the planet’s magnetic field and the level of radiation emitted. This, in turn, has serious consequences for Earth and all living beings.
Our autonomic nervous system is heavily affected by solar flares. Additionally, they impact our digestive system and breathing processes. This is scientifically proven.
What’s even more concerning is that solar flares are expected to reach a very high intensity over the next five years.
When solar activity rises to such levels, it can lead to:
– Increased mortality,
– Disease outbreaks,
– Wars,
– Psychological imbalances,
– Turmoil in human life,
– And upheavals in animal life.
This is because solar flares affect our nervous system, digestive system, pulmonary system, and essentially everything in our bodies.
For spiritual seekers, however, this is a transformative time. Over the next four years, these conditions can profoundly change our being.
When I completed the Kailash Kora last year, it changed my life. Could the increased solar flares have amplified this impact?
This period could lead to either global realization or global disasters. Will nations turn against each other and resort to violence?
We can use this energy for transformation and self-realization, or we can succumb to chaos, harming and killing one another.
For yogis, the heightened solar activity—especially solar flares—is an opportune time for inner transformation, even though it brings so much turmoil to the world.
The choice is yours: go inward or get crushed under the weight of external chaos.
There will inevitably be more pain, death, and challenges, but you can use this time for your own spiritual growth.
Platforms like Facebook and other social media are distractions that can pull you away from your spiritual path.
The choice is yours…
My Video: Shocking Prediction on 2025 by Sadhguru https://youtu.be/fI1FLo7fwZI
My Audio: https://divinesuccess.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/Podcast4/Shocking-Prediction-on-2025-by-Sadhguru.mp3