Rudi Zimmerer

What are the causes of stress?

You don’t accept yourself and your outcome.

Looks very provocative and it should challenge you.

If we would be happy with everything that we are doing, we would never have any stress…

Because we don’t accept ourselves, so we don’t accept our outcome.

Beside that are impatience, fear, and anger that drive our stress.

For instance, we are late and try the best to reach the bus and fail…

Why do we have stress?

Why are we not happy that we have time to rest?

Why are we not grateful?

If we loved and accept ourselves, we would have no problem with this situation…

Our whole life we chasing worldly things and we have never learned to love and to accept ourselves.

All of our goals should teach us that the path is more important than any destination!

And this path, we should learn to enjoy regardless of what…

We should be thankful for every obstacle because only through challenges we can become better…

Why do we love stress?

Because we like to punish ourselves that we are not good enough!

Yes, I have no mercy to beat our ego, that always wants stress.

Through stress, we feel important… Because the situation is important…Sounds familiar?

Why should be the situation more important than to enjoy this situation or to see the situation as funny?

If we would enjoy this situation or laugh about this situation, we would have no stress…

Stress is always to be afraid to get the outcome and to be angry when we can’t get the outcome…

Quran: Fear only Allah. And only Allah is important…

We have stress because we are not afraid of God and God is not important for us!

So what, in any case, stress is self-made and the biggest hindrance to be happy, healthy and religious!

My Video: What are the causes of stress?
My Audio on Podcast: RELAX WITH MEDITATION or see link in the end.
My Audio:

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