Rudi Zimmerer

How to Achieve More in 1 Week than Most People Do

By waking up and choosing
Most people don’t wake up their entire life and do things they don’t like or that will not help them…
And all things in this sleep state are a waste of time…
For instance, you want to be successful to impress your family but in reality, you don’t love yourself and think you are not enough.
You can be happy right now you don’t have to work for that…
For instance, asking the people on the deathbed what they regret…
They didn’t invest enough time in their relationship because that would make them happier instead of working so hard…
4 questions
1. What would I do when I am fearless and could not fail?
2. What will I be most proud of 1 year from today?
Something effortless instead of forcing yourself to grind yourself, needs high discipline, to work against your resistance.
3. What are 3 things I need to stop doing?
Robing your energy, happiness… over eating…
4. What advice would I give someone else in my same situation when you be stuck
My Video:  How to Achieve More in 1 Week than Most People Do
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