Rudi Zimmerer

How to make small talk…

I am for sure a guy who can’t make small talk easily… If I want something, I start directly to speak with what I want, and the people are quite shocked…

It might be that I am an introvert or that I am a little bit shy that I do not start first with a small talk…

If we see a movie, there is always a beginning with no content because the movie needs time to start… and for that, we need small talk.

1. The best is to start a small talk with a Smile… Just so easy… The addressed person has time … and get an invitation to smile back…

2. Find common ground…
Nothing seriously … speak about the weather, location, city, events, food, fashion,…

3. Ask open-ended questions… That can’t be answered in short yes or no… Ideally, the other person can tell a story… How do you know Peter? When was the first time? How/why have you done it?

4. Listen… Pay attention to what the person is saying. Be present without checking your smartphone…

5. Relax, sit, or stand relaxed. Crossed arms and legs don’t look good… What we communicate nonverbal is more important than what we say… Look your partner in the eyes…

6. Keep it simple and easy…
Don’t go in in details, in your darkest moments or speak about politics… Just relax, have fun, life is wonderful…

7. Exit with grace…
After some time, tell that you have to go, it was a pleasure to talk with you, …

My Video: How to make small talk…
My Audio on Podcast: RELAX WITH MEDITATION or see link in the end.
My Audio:

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