Rudi Zimmerer

How to Put Yourself First

The first priority in your life excluding god or your faith is You.

Sounds foreign to you

In every case, we decide if it is in our self-interests or not… to help or to do.

Everyone has different self-interests…

Selfless doing is not possible, because we act after our self-interests! I remembered this discussion with my siblings, age 10 years…

Most people do not even understand this…, because they are brainwashed.

Remember the airplane, they instruct us for an emergency to take first the oxygen on our face and then we can help our kids to do the same things… Otherwise, the lack of oxygen can kill us and so we can’t help our kids…

And this is also true for our normal life, we can’t help if we don’t have the resources or the health or power or mood…

If we are depleted, tired, or fatigued, we must first care for ourselves to become happy and satisfied… and then we can help…

The people who love us need the best version of you and not a frustrated, over-tired guy…

So we have to renew our energy/health/spirit to be able to serve…

Maybe you think you don’t belong to your friends, job, family, or relationship anymore …You need something better…

So the longer the time you believe I don’t belong anywhere…

So the more we train ourselves to remain in this condition, even it doesn’t fit us anymore…

Imagine a baby elephant is tied with a tiny rope to a tree… Many years later this grown-up elephant still thinks that it can’t escape because of this tiny rope… And so it is with ourselves.

We can free us so that we can serve much better and enjoy our life…

Time is running out, we have to act, to renew our life, don’t get stagnant.

Instead, we are caring and looking at other people, get distracted, and can’t grow to become better in different areas of our lives…

Sounds selfish?

Don’t waste your time with meaningless friends, jobs, relationships…

Discover new opportunities.

Renew yourself and inspire people to do the same…

Imagine you put crabs in a basket and no crab can escape because the other crabs will prevent the crab from escaping..

In the end, all crabs will be consumed…

We are attached to our past and memories… so the deeper the emotions connected to previous situations the more we value them…

But we are not our memories or the assumption that we are…

So we have to renew our soul, and spirit with meditation, contemplation, and reflection to get out of the jail that we have built with our memories/emotions…

The meanings that we give to our stories hinder us from growing, to achieve something better…

My guru said let the past go and don’t dwell in the future

live in the here now…

Does that sound better?

My Video:  How to Put Yourself First?

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