Rudi Zimmerer

How to understand Religion?

I came across with people who reject Religion or Religious scriptures that they never have understood!

It needs no intelligence to reject something. A wise person finds wisdom everywhere and in every scripture! By Sri Aurobindo

If you want to understand any Religious Scriptures, you have to read them with an open mind without any prejudices… The Bible has so many metaphors that we can’t understand in the first place… Read slowly and again and again …
People who are looking for faults will never gain anything…
Srimad Bhagavatam: Faultfinder are the worst!
We are focused on learning something, and if we have found wisdom, we stop reading and try to integrate this wisdom in our life!

Every Religious scripture is:

1.) not perfect,
2.) not totally correct,
3.) and changed over centuries (even true for the Quran… there exist 3 versions).


A big part of the Western Spiritual Scene rejects Psychology and the Christianity… If we don’t understand our own psychology, we can’t really understand any Religious scriptures!

Because Psychology shows us:

1.) Where are we wrong?
2.) What do we wrong?
3.) Why do we it wrong!
4.) Why do we fail?
5.) Why can’t we understand the religious scriptures?
6.) Why do we need to live our sexuality?
7.) Why is the bad consciousness the worst?
8.) Why should we enjoy our life instead to blame others for our suffering?

Christianity, Hindu, and Islam teach us why we should connect with God?

The Buddhism, Hindu, and Tao teach us how we can enjoy our life more with their wisdom and spiritual techniques, like Meditation, Qigong, Yoga…

All Religions exploit the people with their goals/“spiritual suffering” :

1.) Paradise/Heaven
2.) Hell/Karma
3.) Moksha
4.) Nirvana
5.) Enlightenment

And all of these Religious goals/”spiritual suffering” never have existed… The strategy is and was selling dreams and delivering B. S. . And today the Internet business use the same strategy to avoid suffering (Hell/Karma) and to find the solution (Paradise). …

If we avoid the traps (mention above) of the Religions and practice the Religions, we will have a positive outcome in any case.

God exists, and the greatest thing is to surrender to God!
If we can’t relax and want bliss/inner peace… we should also meditate.
If we want health and bliss, we should practice Qigong or Yoga…

And most of all people are just discussing and comparing Religious wisdom instead to practice Religion!

You can’t get anything done if you don’t do it…
Discussion about Religion leads to nothing and is just a waste of time!!!!
Do it!

My Video: How to understand Religion?
My Audio on Podcast: RELAX WITH MEDITATION or see link in the end.
My Audio:

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