Rudi Zimmerer

New goal-setting technique

The first step in the right direction is the halfway.

If we make our first step in a tiny different direction… We never reach our goal.

Failing to plan is plan to fail.

Evidence-based goal-setting strategies

1. Moderate and meaningful
2. Focus narrowing
3. Concretes specifics
4. Dynamic self-regulation
5. Foreshadow failure’
6. Realistic scheduling buffers

Instead, only to focus on the goal, and enjoy the journey.

First, we have to accept ourselves as we are in the present moment…
And then update our goals as we reach the smaller goals.
Yin/yang strives for change acceptance.


1. Don’t set goals that are too easy or too difficult.

2. Not to set too many goals max 3 goals!

3. Be clear, concrete action steps to reach that goal with the implementation.
What means it to you to reach your goals, how does it look?

4. Accessing and reviewing your progress once a week, and once a month for low-priority goals.
Access Progress
Adjust what doesn’t work, adapt to reality, and lifestyle, and be kind to yourself!
If I can’t accomplish a goal, then ask why, even if it is meaningful for you, ask a third person.
How did the thing work out instead to criticize you?

5. Avoid over-visualizing success

If You over-visualizing success, you receive a dopamine hit, and this reduces the motivation to realize that goal.
If you Visualize how would it feel to fail, didn’t do the work to realize that goal…
This will motivate you much more.

6. Don’t overwhelm yourself, be realistic about your goal setting.

Intentional goal-setting framework

1. Why?

What is your motivation?
What can you unlock?
What will you discover?

Negative visualization:

What if I don’t work toward this goal?
What if I don’t achieve it.
What could hinder me from achieving my goal?

We differentiate between input Goals and output Goals.

What should be our input Goal?
That are the things that You have complete control over.

Not so the Ouput goals…
Here you need somehow luck … So you can’t beat yourself up not to attain your goal.

My Video: New goal-setting technique
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