It is not about how much you can get done each day, it is about how much you can get done over the course of a career or throughout a lifetime.
We were canoeing down the Weser River. And another 8-person rowing boat, much faster than our boat was over the course of one day always slower than our canoe… Because they had to rest after one kilometer again and again… if you keep doing every day a task, even at a slow pace you can get much more done than a person that is chasing his goal…
And the good thing is you are relaxed and enjoy doing your task…
If you go on vacation and you should do so every year, switch off your internet connection…. I do so, my friends are complaining and I say always there was no internet connection, actually, there was one, but too slow and too expensive…
And then you can relax. Afterward, you are much more productive.
I recommend going to China, your social media will not work, or most internet services that you use… Nobody can reach you. Perfect, if you would do the Kailash Chora in Tibet!
Rule 1
There are two ways to see the world:
Some people see the things they want.
And some people see what prevents them from getting what they want.
Rule 2
Take care of each other.
We are social beings and reckless behavior on the way to getting the things you want will backfire.
My father was very successful and he cried during his speech to his 60 birthday when he mentioned that his friends helped him during his darkest time…
And all of these friends were also very successful!
Learn to help each other and ask for help when necessary.
Honesty say, I can’t do it can you help me?
The people who like or love you will be delighted to help you.
Lesson three:
Be a great leader…
For instance, Nelson Mandala says:
First, hear the opinions of your colleagues.
So that every person feels to be heard.
Ask questions so that you can understand their opinions.
Don’t show any approval or disapproval.
Second, be the last to speak your own opinion…
Lesson Four
Take responsibility for the things where you fail and don’t blemish it on other people.
Good management is creating an environment where every person is doing his best and so they attract also the best people…
Bad management blemishes the people for their misfortune and applauds themselves for their success.
My father said we depend on every person that is working for us and so I share our profit with all of them!
Lesson five
Be humble and be thankful for everything that you get…
Lesson six
Have a heart for everyone…
(1) Focus on what you want, not what gets in the way of what you want.
(2) Take care of others
(3) Listen first, speak last.
(4) Take accountability for your actions
(5) Practice humility
My Video: Simon Sinek’s Advice can change your life
My Audio:’s-Advice-can-change-your-life.mp3