Rabbi Maris Friedman
In every evil there is some good and in every good there is some evil.
Or even better both are always balanced.
In the coming months, there will be so much evil you can’t believe.
People you are least expected to do evil things.
It might be confusing.
But it is good news.
The evil is not hiding anymore.
It doesn’t even claim to be good.
He does not attempt to justify himself.
For example… Labour party in the UK.
Because it is pure evil.
How shocking is that?
It means the evil is finished.
Because evil without a little bit of good, can’t exist anymore.
It is like a lie that has no truth in it anymore.
So it can’t take off.
It has no life.
It is a virus.
It has no existence so it will dry off.
Watch this happen in front of you.
Evil cannot anymore hide and truth can no longer concealed.
The world is moving in a very good direction, as it always has been since creation.
But it was so concealed.
So mysterious.
Now we gone see it with our own eyes.
We are moving to a much better world.
And I hope that we contributed a little bit to this better world.
Don’t just watch the change, just do something for the change.
Just look around who needs you to encourage, inspire to give him a little bit of optimism.
Think positive
Even evil happens everywhere.
Evil is taking suicide.
My Video: The evil is not hiding anymore. https://youtu.be/ZcisFSNlTVI
My Audio: https://divinesuccess.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/Podcast4/The-evil-is-not-hiding-anymore.mp3