A simple sinus curve with below negative.
We have positive and negative outcomes of our actions… like in a sinus graph.
Our dark side is the negative outcome that wipes out our positive outcome.
If both sides have the same size, you have no outcome at all.
Because your dark side or shadow side or self-sabotage destroys your outcome.
For instance, you make money and spend all the money.
Regardless of how much money you make, you can’t save money.
It is not about how much money you make, it is about how much money you keep/
For instance Relationship
It starts great and ends in fights.
Even you can get out of your first battle and go on a honeymoon.
And then again, there was heavy fighting and so on.
This means the relationship will end…
Our dark side sabotages again our positive outcome.
If all of our self-improvement gets sabotaged by our dark side…
Because we get stuck by our dark side.
We should look for self-healing of our dark side.,
If we show on social media how great we are,… and exclude our failures, then we can’t connect truly with friends or our family or spouse.
We will isolate ourselves and if we focus only on the positive things, we can’t run away from our shadows.,
We have to heal our dark side.
And when we share our failures we start healing our dark sides and connect with people.
The law of polarity proves that … so more we focus on one side so more we attract the opposite side…
We should look at our dark side, heal it, and then we still move in up and down movements, but the down movements have a positive outcome.
And that is true progress…
How to solve that?
Get curious, instead of negative judging.
Look for your dark side and heal it.
My Video: The Graph That Changed My Life https://youtu.be/PibHO0TJdHg
My Audio: https://divinesuccess.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/Podcast4/The-Graph-That-Changed-My-Life.mp3