Rudi Zimmerer

The shocking truth about Hydration!

Too much water harms more than too little water…
The problem is we need the water in the cells and through water drinking we can’t get that…
The superfluous water creates problems or even diseases for the kidneys and heart…
Inside our cells is potassium and outside of the cell walls is sodium…
If sodium goes inside the cells, we get high blood pressure, which happens through too much water or sodium…
Table salt is pure sodium and so it harms our bodies.
The best alternative would be salt loaded with minerals like magnesium chloride and magnesium sulfate that pull the water into the cells, combined with potassium.
We need to eat enough vegetables and fruits to get the cells hydrated.
Instead of consuming table salt, we substitute it with Celtic salt which contains 82 minerals including magnesium chloride and magnesium sulfate
Or Himalaya salt that includes 75 minerals…
Add a little bit of Celtic or Himalaya salt to your glass of water.
Much better are pure unheated, fresh vegetable or fruit juices or uncooked lemon water with honey.
For sure, drink small quantities of water during the day instead of one big quantity that will demineralize our body!
Even better, consume seaweed like wakame that is so rich in minerals and that for every meal….
My Video: The shocking truth about Hydration
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