Rudi Zimmerer

5 Remedies that improve your eyesight

3 Years ago, I had problems with my eyesight and dry eyes… My eyesight blurred and often I could not see sharp…

And today my eyes are better than before and also my dry eyes are healed…

I have tried out many methods and herbs including Acupressure and eyesight training.

Most of them didn’t work!

Before you try out my remedies, you should consult an eye-doctor because it is forbidden to give any health tip as a non-professional.

1.) Alpha Omega 3 oil for blurred eyesight.
First, I tried out this Fish-oil-supplement as an Alpha Omega 3 Oil and it didn’t work. Afterward, I tried the Flaxseed as an Alpha Omega 3 Oil, and that showed awesome results.

The recent studies found out that the supplement as fish-oil doesn’t produce any tangible results … Throw them in the garbage…

The Flaxseed contains an equivalent of the Alpha Omega 3 Oil and even 30% of the Flaxseed are that precious oil. Get 3 spoon-fool Flaxseed, grind it in a blender, add water to it and wait for 3 -5 minutes. Then consume it with your food.
After one month, your blurred eyesight will improve. Daily consume 3 spoon-full Flaxseed. With the Flaxseed also your digestion will improve.

2.) Wolf-berries from China for better eyesight.
1/2 cub of Wolf-berries soak them in warm water for 2 hours and consume them with the warm water… Even the 256 Old Chinese herbalist Li Ching-Yuen was eating them every day…

3.) Now comes the scary path – Castor-oil
Castor-oil improves drastically our eye-sight. Results can be seen after one week of using it. It heals also cataract … As usual, what works,- the doctors are against it. Because they lose customer.

The Castor-oil should be pure virgin-oil without any ads …
Get a bottle with an eye-dropper, clean them, cook them out, fill it with the Castor-oil … For 90 days drop 2 drops in each of your eyes, before you go to bed in the night. The oil that spills out rub it with one finger around your eye-lids. If you miss one night add this one day at the end of the 90 days. After 1 month again you cook out the bottle with the eye-dropper, to kill all bacteria. Keep always the Castor oil in the refrigerator.

4.) Ginkgo Biloba,
is used to heal our eyes and is a remedy for Macular Degeneration.
In the future, more than 10% of the population will be blind through Macular Degeneration. The reason is the blue light emitted from the cell-phones, TV and the new electrical light from LED and energy-saving light.

5.) Avoid all blue light. The 6000K light harms us. Try out the 2700K LED-light/ energy saving light and add some red light as lighting in your home. On the Cell-phones, PC-displays, and TV should run an App like the F.Lux app or blue light filter app, that reduces the Blue-light.

My Video: 5 remedies that improve your eyesight 3 Years ago, I had problems with my eyesight and dry eyes… My eyesight blurred and often I could not see sharp…

And today my eyes are better than before and also my dry eyes are healed…

I have tried out many methods and herbs including Acupressure and eyesight training.

Most of them didn’t work!

Before you try out my remedies, you should consult an eye-doctor because it is forbidden to give any health tip as a non-professional.

1.) Alpha Omega 3 oil for blurred eyesight.
First, I tried out this Fish-oil-supplement as an Alpha Omega 3 Oil and it didn’t work. Afterward, I tried the Flaxseed as an Alpha Omega 3 Oil, and that showed awesome results.

The recent studies found out that the supplement as fish-oil doesn’t produce any tangible results … Throw them in the garbage…

The Flaxseed contains an equivalent of the Alpha Omega 3 Oil and even 30% of the Flaxseed are that precious oil. Get 3 spoon-fool Flaxseed, grind it in a blender, add water to it and wait for 3 -5 minutes. Then consume it with your food.
After one month, your blurred eyesight will improve. Daily consume 3 spoon-full Flaxseed. With the Flaxseed also your digestion will improve.

2.) Wolf-berries from China for better eyesight.
1/2 cub of Wolf-berries soak them in warm water for 2 hours and consume them with the warm water… Even the 256 Old Chinese herbalist Li Ching-Yuen was eating them every day…

3.) Now comes the scary path – Castor-oil
Castor-oil improves drastically our eye-sight. Results can be seen after one week of using it. It heals also cataract … As usual, what works,- the doctors are against it. Because they lose a customer.

The Castor-oil should be pure virgin-oil without any ads …
Get a bottle with an eye-dropper, clean them, cook them out, fill it with the Castor-oil … For 90 days drop 2 drops in each of your eyes, before you go to bed in the night. The oil that spills out rub it with one finger around your eye-lids. If you miss one night add this one day at the end of the 90 days. After 1 month again you cook out the bottle with the eye-dropper, to kill all bacteria. Keep always the Castor oil in the refrigerator.

4.) Ginkgo Biloba,
is used to heal our eyes and is a remedy for Macular Degeneration.
In the future, more than 10% of the population will be blind through Macular Degeneration. The reason is the blue light emitted from the cell-phones, TV and the new electrical light from LED and energy-saving light.

5.) Avoid all blue light. The 6000K light harms us. Try out the 2700K LED-light/ energy saving light and add some red light as lighting in your home. On the Cell-phones, PC-displays, and TV should run an App like the F.Lux app or blue light filter app, that reduces the Blue-light.

My Video: 5 Remedies that improve your eyesight
My Audio on Podcast: RELAX WITH MEDITATION or see link in the end.
My Audio:

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