Rudi Zimmerer

Why do we want to become a Super(wo)man?

If we see that hard training of the Shaolin Monks or Gurkhas,…

For what is that good?

Or, we recognize the bravery of the great actor/stunt master and Kungfu-fighter Jackie Chan.

He wanted to become famous, and for that was his sacrifice.
He was honest to his wife, a famous Taiwan Actor, I can’t love you, I only like you…

Is not love beyond all of our greatness?

Do we need to become that extraordinary strong man/woman to discover that love is more?

Do we need to break our boundaries to become what we desire…?

Oscar Wild said: You are the small things in your life and not the big achievements… If we can’t enjoy the small things, we can’t enjoy life!

There is a story:

A disciple asked a hiker what enlightenment is?

The hiker unloaded his backpack.

The disciple said: I understand. What comes after enlightenment?

The hiker loaded his backpack on his shoulder and walked away…

Yes, that is life…

I remember…

There was a friend X of mine who lost nearly everything, his unborn child, his family, his job, his friends, his spouse…

X knew in his heart that something extraordinary was coming to him and that everything that he lost was in the right way… X didn’t complain…

X met a weird friend and agreed to make with him a very exhausting training to get the Kundalini… Because after all his losses this made sense to him… He could not lose anything more…

People are ready to become extraordinary when they have lost very much… Without these losing, nobody can win. And this is true for all of these heroes like Jackie Chan….

He got his Kundalini and even much more…

And then X wanted to meditate for many years, and to go to India… X did so… He renounced the world… Because X followed the call of God! This means God wanted from him that he should surrender and do everything that God demanded from him, regardless of what…

For ordinary people, this behavior looks insane… And people don’t like that…
There exist no Super(wo)man who had not done extraordinary tasks and was accepted…

We should ask ourselves honestly why we want to become that Super(wo)man?

If we feel that urge to make huge things happen, we should go for that.
If we want just to decorate our ego… let it go…
If we open up our heart and love our family/spouse/kids, that is much more than any ego-trip!

But this is not for everybody…

My Video: Why do we want to become a Super(wo)man?
My Audio on Podcast: RELAX WITH MEDITATION or see link in the end.
My Audio:

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