Rudi Zimmerer

A journey from shame to self-love

“The greatest love of all is to love yourself.” Song from Whitney Houston. Written by a terminal cancer patient on her deathbed,…
Imagine 30 years ago you were a Ladyboy and society abused that…
This ladyboy was abused by everybody around her and she used her situation to develop self-love.
From shame over herself, she started to hate herself.
First, she started to counteract her self-hate with makeup and tune herself to be more feminine, so that nobody recognizes her as a ladyboy…
But that didn’t work.
What is self-hate?
It is actually not so obvious, it is a blurry sight.
If you hate aging or anything about yourself….
Or if you don’t get that respect/love that you need…
If you have minority feelings or. –
Self-harm behavior.
For instance, when I was 21 years old, I got a paralyzed left side face from extended stress…
It was hard for me to look in the mirror, I hated that,…
The Ladyboy eventually became famous in London’s transvestite shows…
So she could accept herself as she was…
Then she got on the street violently abused and hospitalized.
Again she questioned herself and realized that nearly everybody has shameful emotions from the wounds of the past or who he/she is…
Because everybody is a sinner, who has violated his/her own standards, religious- and society’s morality…
This Ladyboy wanted everybody to love her for her performance…
And that is not self-love.
This means if you depend on other people to respect or love you, you don’t love yourself.
All the work that we have done to fit in society so that we feel secure; –
is a cover-up of our true nature, is self-denial, and not self-love.
I attended the best groups for Primal therapy, Encounter, Tantra, and Bioenergetic, to discover the hidden things of my personality and to love myself…
For instance, I suffered so much for the final separation of my greatest love…
Then I wore black, and went to our Bhagwan Ashram, where everybody was wearing red…
And I realized, I can only be me…
Until you don’t accept your own emotions and behavior, you never will love yourself.
In encounter groups, where everybody should loudly abuse everybody;
people realize their hidden cover-ups and learn to love themselves and everybody else.
Because we all are not perfect and we do have every kind of disability, bad habits, and ugliness inside of ourselves.
If it is so, then we can accept all people and also ourselves.
And we don’t need to cover up anymore and can be authentic…
 My Video: A journey from shame to self-love
My Audio:

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