Rudi Zimmerer

Be Passionate or die!

Our passions are connected with our sexuality …
So older we grow and specific after the male or female menopause a big part of our passions disappear… and so our sexuality.

Our religious Leaders/ Saints, Gurus who are old saying that passions are evil… Because they are jealous. How much sexuality remains after 60 years? Not much!!!!

And the youngsters think that they have to scarify their passions, love, and sexuality for Religion!!!

But why has God given us our passions and sexuality?

Because we should deny or abuse them?

Our passions and our passionate love can work for us …

We can kill with a knife, or we can cut vegetables … it depends what we make with the knife and so with our passions!

The greatest art, the greatest love, the most significant inventions, the greatest human beings were born out of passions.

Still, also the worst acts like killing, tortures happened out of passions.

If we have passions, we can utilize them.

And what is bad on sex?
That the old guys are jealous!

Why should we care for the jealousy of other people… That is their problem…
Maybe, these old guys were scared to live their sexuality, and now it is too late!

In ancient time lived the king Jada Bharata in India.
He denied all of his passions and was always calm and controlled. He never was indulged in any emotional encounter… So that his citizen admired him as a Saint.

When the time for dying came, the king renounced the world and went in the jungle to prepare his death… He meditated and doing spiritual exercises the entire day. He ate what he could find in the jungle without harming any being. One day, a deer came to drink water nearby where the royal sage was meditating. At the same moment, a lion roared at a little distance off. The deer was so terrified that she, without satisfying her thirst, made a big jump to cross the river. The deer was pregnant, and suddenly gave birth to a little fawn, and immediately after she fell dead.

The king rescued the fawn and nurtured the fawn… After some time he got involved and in love with the fawn. Day and night, he cared for the fawn and forgot his worship to God…
Then he died, and his last thought was on the fawn… So that he became a deer his next life…

The whole story shows us that we should live our passions when we are young. Suppression of our passions and sexuality never works out. When we live our passions and sexuality, we find peace in our lives and can think happily on God.

My Video: Be Passionate or die!
My Audio on Podcast: RELAX WITH MEDITATION or see link in the end.
My Audio:

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