Rudi Zimmerer

Beyond Words

Beyond Words
Do we need really to express everything in words or should we go beyond words?
Everybody is defining the words different, because the words are associated to different experience/emotion. Even I love trees, I can’t name them … but enjoy them… Osho said, go beyond words… because you limit yourself to the mind or become over intellectual … Then I hear again and again: I love You… So more you say to somebody ” I love you” so faster the love will run away, because love is beyond words and where is a I and a you, there is no love… instead of just to feel the love… Over intellectual will kill every love! The opposite is true for the word: “Thank you”.. so more you use it, so more you become… What is if you speak and use different languages like me, …. ? Just express the same with different languages …. it is different, because the words are again connected with different emotions.… Go beyond words.… And really feel … the words are just a necessary vehicle. A friend of me said: Imagine you ski down a difficult piste, hearing the awesome album “Travels” from Pat Metheny (greatest E-Guitarist) and being in the flow … describe how you would feel? You simple become speechless, -you are on a higher space, were no words exist anymore,… The Tao that can be described is not the true Tao, the same is true for God, the divine… Where all words ends, the truthiness starts…. The children get drilled to learn the hospitality rules of their country and can not express spontaneously anymore their love, gratefulness, kindness… Because everything should be expressed in the right words…. Good for me that I was a stutterer, shy, dyslexic… and could not fulfill these stupid etiquettes. And the people including my family were hating me, even I was helping everybody for free…. At the end, God came to me and helped me, even as an atheist! And I didn’t need to read any scripture for that, or I am never been baptized in any religion…. God is in our heart and not in the scripture. If we try to feel more, instead of to think more, life is much more fulfilling. This means that we use our thinking as a tool and don’t be a tool of our thinking….. Or do you think that you are your thinking? The bible is saying: in the beginning there was the word… The East is saying in the beginning there was silence and at the end there is silence… Silence is the answer!

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