Rudi Zimmerer

change our life

Should we change our life in order to fulfill our dreams?
As a spiritual being I belief that everybody has a mission and this mission is changing, it is not always for all times the same mission… If we don’t live our mission, then we have to suffer or even to die!
Very often is this mission also our dream that we want to fulfill…
This means we will suffer if we don’t live our mission or dreams.
The next point is, that we have to suffer if we want to live our dreams. And we suffer much more if we don’t live our dreams or missions… So there is no point to live not our dreams or mission. It is just to punish ourself if we don’t live our dreams or more important our mission… For what ? For what we should suffer for something that we don’t do, we have only disadvantages for that…? I have life-coached quite a lot of people and it was always so, when they didn’t live their dreams, the suffering was more… So why not changing… or do you like to be a masochist?
In any case we have to suffer, or show me a person in this world who doesn’t have to suffer. Buddha said: life is suffering… then why not suffering for our dreams, mission? Then the suffering is easy and makes sense… And we know for what we live!

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