Rudi Zimmerer

Confidence as a leader

Confidence as a leader
What is, when you are in a situation to lead people, even you are scared?
Normally the people trust you, because they have chosen you as a leader…
Then, why scaring? Actually the fear is the obstacle… Instead of presenting us as a superstar, we should be humble and serve the other at best as we can.
What is, when we are in a situation, where we are exposed and don’t have the expected expertise/knowledge… ?
It is not a coincident that we are in this (scaring) situation… The people had unconsciously chosen us, or God has provided them us, or God want that we solve this situation… Make sense, so then how we can fail? Maybe we need this situation to grow or the people need something from us, that they can’t get from somebody else…
One strategy is just to smile, that gives them (auditorium) the confidence that you are capable to solve the problem, or that the situation is not so worse at all…. Then build up rapport and ask clever question… You see, when I was set up us an engineer to fix every technical problem in any firm… nobody can do that … I have learned to ask, in order to get the knowledge to solve the problem… And I had never been scared to ask everybody… because even very unimportant people in low position can have the solution, so also your customer … Remember Henry Ford, he was a stupid guy, but could solve all the problems… Just by asking the right people…. If we have fear to lose our face, that we don’t have for every question the best answer …. is just the best strategy to fail…. Because it set us under pressure, then under pressure we lose our creativity… And then we get the outcome, that we want – To lose our face. Just be humble, smile, entertain the people so that they are happy and then again try to find together the solution. Even you have the best solution, you should find together the solution, because this is much more motivating then presenting the solution. – So that everybody is participating …. This is really the solution for everybody.

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