Rudi Zimmerer

Does God exist…?

Do we have created God or God has created us? (quote Krishnamurti)
… My own answer, both is true!

How many wars were made because of different created Gods or religions?

I surrender my life to a personal God and I reject all man made religions…
Similar has so done Gandhi.
Because I want peace and not the exploitation done by Religions!

Logically, we can prove many things even if they are nonsense.

Over many years I had proved there is no God…

Today I can prove there is no God and I can prove there is God….

I have read the psychology of love… And it was for me stupid.

People who are over intellectual can’t understand God or love…

Because both make no sense.

A life without love is not worth living…

Over intellectual people can never experience love…

Because we need an open heart to experience love, and even we can not explain love.

The main problem is that the intellect can only understand logical things and illogical things the intellect denies…

How can you teach in Chinese when the people don’t understand Chinese… They will not understand anything and that includes me…

How many years I needed to open my heart to experience love and God?

I did over 3 years body and feelings orientated therapy/exercises and that nearly every day… And I meditated everyday for at least 1 hour…

I did not have the fortune to grow up in a lovely or religious place… My childhood was hell and my family is and were atheists…

How many years, I need to become an engineer? If I include my complete education, then I need over 15 years…

So what is it easier to experience love and God?
Yes, and that is for everybody possible!

My Video: Does God exist…?
My Audio on Podcast: RELAX WITH MEDITATION or see link in the end.
My Audio:

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