Rudi Zimmerer

From Conception to Birth

Why is it important to prepare for the Baby?

The fetus is affected by everything happening inside of the mother and by those in the immediate, intimate orbit.

If the mother undergoes dramas the fetus will participate, too.

For instance, an unwanted baby feels during the pregnancy that it is unwanted and will suffer his whole life for that! When it approaches people it automatically thinks nobody loves me… And the baby will have problems to have an intimate relationship with his mother and later with his spouse. That is science proofed.

In the womb the unborn baby will have their own experience, it is helpless…

How would it be if we could support our unborn child, to reduce the stress and the prenatal traumas?

Otherwise, the traumatized baby will lack trust in relationships and be unable to live satisfying relationships.

Being stuck in prenatal stress or trauma patterns is very destructive and can make it hard to learn in life. Because it is difficult to learn when we are in survival mode.

The good news is that it is possible to heal and prevent these trauma’s, and to create an optimal environment, and experience, for our unborn babies.

What should we do?

1. Prepare both for the pregnancy. The becoming mother should be supported in every aspect of her life. What she feels, the fetus feels… Do you want a happy baby? Look that the becoming mother will enjoy her life and get the love that she needs! Stress and hardships during the pregnancy make it so hard for the baby to find love and trust in his life!

2. Help the mother to be confident with the pregnancy and get rid of the fears. Because we don’t want a fearful baby!

3. The becoming mother prepares to be a mother and speak about that how to become a good mother. Because the baby feels if we prepare for the birth and its childhood.

4. Prepare for the birth. If the becoming mother has fear of the birth; the baby will feel that.
The birth trauma is the biggest trauma in our life. We should look to make it easy for the baby and the mother with the right preparation.
The woman should be able to feel safe to labor. Get rid of the fears with a good midwife and train the birth until the female feels safe. And the becoming mother should deliver stress-free. Because of the fears of birth, the vagina can’t enough open and make the birth so hard for the baby. Communicate again and again over your fears with the midwife, relatives, spouse until the fears are gone.

5. A natural environment, instead of a hospital for the birth would be much better. Please don’t give your babies vaccines directly after the birth. Before the 7th birthday vaccines are too dangerous for the baby! If I see these senseless behaviors of the doctors after the birth to torture the baby with injection, disinfection… I would rather beat them up!!!

No torture for the newborn baby!! No injection! The newborn baby needs love!!!

My Video: From Conception to Birth
My Audio on Podcast: RELAX WITH MEDITATION or see link in the end.
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