Rudi Zimmerer

Get Relief from Hay fever.

I stumbled over a simple method to cure Hay fever or Seasonal Allergy…
Just consume every day 2 – 5 Teaspoons of bee pollen as an adult and as a kid 1-2 Teaspoons on an empty stomach.

Why is that working for a pollen allergy?

When your body digests the pollen, your body gets used to the pollen and finally, the allergic reaction is over.

You expose your body to a very small portion of pollen and the body will reject less and lesser pollen.

You start with 1 Teaspoon of pollen per day and each day/week you increase that until you consume 2-5 Teaspoons per day on an empty stomach. You can divide it into smaller portions during the day.
The best is to start with the pollen during the winter time until spring or summer until fall.
You do this one or two times per year…
Take probiotics every day.

In addition, you can take
NAC Supplement (N-Acetyl Cysteine)
Alkelising vitamin C

Allergies are connected to the liver and gut…
When you consume junk food, alcohol, and fatty food, your liver is overwhelmed and these described remedies will not work.

The best would be if you get bee pollen from your locality.

Or you can also try in a smaller portion of bee bread…

My Video: Get Relief from Hay fever.
My Audio:


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