Rudi Zimmerer

When a great desire fails,…

My video: When a great desire fails,…

we enjoy our life even more?
This looks ridiculous? The great psychologist Prof. P. Wazlavic had mad a research on this…
The results are, that people who didn’t got fulfilled their heart desire, could after they had recovered, appreciate the small things in their life much more. Because after this tragic experience, they know that the small things in life are valuable. And so they can enjoy their life more. Every moment can be enjoyed.

For instance when our baby was coming too early and so died, we suffered very much. Afterward I could understand that the worldly things are not so important than to enjoy the here and now.

When we are driven from passion, we forget to enjoy our life in the here and now. Because only our goal is important.
Oscar Wild said, we are the small things and not the big goals that we have accomplished… This means if we can only enjoy, when we accomplish something, then 99% of our time we are suffering… So that we are unhappy.

A happy person enjoys nearly everything,… when he gets up, he is thankful for the new day, enjoys his morning exercise, the small talk with his children and spouse during his healthy breakfast, even he is enjoying his breakfast as a very delicate menu…
And the unhappy person, gets up fast, pushes the food in his mouth and don’t want to wast his time on his family. For sure be friendly to normal people is luxury for him. For what? It is not serving him….!!!! Everything becomes an obstacle for him!!!

We can enjoy our life, only when we slow down and enjoy the small things in our life. Our passions have their place in our life and when we are under the control of our passions… life becomes a suffering. And so is it with our heart/great desires, they become too important… and our life becomes unhappy.

Prof. Paul Wazlavick (Author of the int.Bestseller: The situation is hopeless but not seriously. It is a very funny book about how stupid we are sometimes.)

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