Rudi Zimmerer

Rudi Zimmerer, International Meditation Master

How can we change our self-talk?

“I am also that…”

When somebody abuse you; think, “I am also that…”
For instance: Somebody is screaming: “You B*tch”, “Cut your b*lls”, “As-wh*le”, “F*ck you…”

Sometimes, everybody is an As-wh*le…. Because, sometimes, everybody is messing up, do the wrong thing,… We are not perfect.

Our imperfection makes us perfect!
It is okay for me when I am sometimes a son of a B*tch.
When somebody abuses us, even we don’t deserve it, it means that to this moment he thinks that we are bad. So we won’t be entirely bad. And if we think we are also bad, everything is perfect!

“So what?”

If we get angry at somebody because he didn’t meet our expectation.
Maybe he is not all the time to 100% perfect.
Only we are perfect when we are messing up?!

So what?
With these 2 magical words, we can relax without the need to resolve the problems immediately.

So what?
We let go of our problems.
We release our tension.
And we win time to think over…

For instance:

Our spouse has cheated us.
Can we change that? No, because it is already done.
So what?
Will we die, when our spouse has cheated us?
Should we kill our spouse?

So what? Relax and let go!


One of the worst words in our self-talk is: “BUT”

Have you read all of my blocks? I rarely use any “But”.

When we have done it well, our mind is looking for mistakes to mess up our good mood.
And then this “But” appears.
With this “But” we neglect what we have thought or said before.

For instance, “my car is fantastic, “but” it uses too much petrol.
I have done it well, but I forgot …

“Shut up” We are never perfect. We can find always in everything mistakes because they exist. Only God is perfect even we think he messes up very often. I think that too, I am not better than you. Still, I believe in God.

Enjoy your imperfect life and let go of your terrible “BUT”.

My Video: How can we change our self-talk?
My Audio on Podcast: RELAX WITH MEDITATION or see link in the end.
My Audio:

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