After 2050, more people will die from infection/inflammation than from cancer.
The reasons are that through the antibiotic in the food, the bacteria become more and more resistant to the antibiotic, and the overuse of disinfection.
The food industry is feeding our animals with an antibiotic since over 50years.
Because through antibiotic the animals grow faster and are protected against diseases.
In the meantime, a bacteria (Superbug), has developed that can kill everybody and is resistant to the antibiotic or any other common disinfection.
If we are under intense stress or our immune system is weak the Superbug has the chance to grow in our body and to kill us!!
In the future, antibiotic will not work anymore because we can’t increase the doses of antibiotic anymore and the bacteria become resistant to the antibiotic.
For instance, in Germany dying 14,000 People through a Superbug infection which they got in a hospital…
The hospitals grow the Superbug like crazy through the overuse of disinfection and antibiotic. The disinfection and antibiotics kill healthy bacteria and give room for the Superbug.
And this also comes true for shrimps farms in Asia….Instead to use clean, purified water they put an antibiotic in the water of the shrimps.
In Canada, they have done a survive for the Superbug in shrimps. Even the Canadian government thought it is enough to check for an antibiotic in our food. It is not allowed in Canada to sell food with an antibiotic.
The survive checked for the
1.) Superbug,
2.) for bacteria that produce ESBL strains to neutralize antibiotic, and
3.) for bacteria that are multi-resistance of a different antibiotic.
The results have been shocking!
The Sciences bought from the supermarket 50 different packages of frozen shrimps mainly from Asia.
And then they tested the packages for bacteria. The results:
1.) 17% of the packages contained the Superbug even one product was from an organic farm or was a high certified product.
2.) 33% of the boxes contained bacteria that produce ESBL strains to neutralize antibiotic.
3.) 88% of the packages contained bacteria that are multi-resistance of a different antibiotic.
What is if you think that you don’t care because you cook the shrimps?
And now comes the problem…
When you prepare the shrimps, the Superbugs are all over the place in the kitchen and maybe also on your body and the bodies of your family….
The Superbug can survive for months on the floor or on the spice containers or on the kitchen cabinet….
What is if even in your chicken, poultry, pork, seafood, or beef are the Superbug?
Imagine you buy seafood, you cut it, and cut the salad with this knife… Then you can have the Superbug in your salad and finally in your gut!
What is if you eat probiotic as fermented vegetables with this salad? Then the probiotic can kill the Superbug!
And this I proof again and again that you have to eat probiotic every day!!!!!!
My Video: How the antibiotic can kill us?!
My Audio on Podcast: RELAX WITH MEDITATION or see link in the end.
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