Rudi Zimmerer

How to become intolerant?

How to become intolerant?
Simple rule: If we adapt a new life rule, then we looking everywhere that verify our rule or contradict our rule. What contradict our rule must be wrong… And that is wrong!!!!

Think over, in the street traffic we need rules… What happens if a guy is driving with a too high speed on the road… we judge, maybe we don’t know that he is a doctor on a emergency task in his private car… . Judging makes everything worse!

For instance I am a vegan, even better eat only raw food. Even then one of my passions is to cook. I have worked as a professional cook in restaurants, still didn’t eat what I was cooking. Looks weird? When I was in celibacy then I did recommend as a coach my clients to have sex, because what I do myself is my private thing. I should give the best advice for everybody, even it contradicts myself or even it harms my morality/myself. Otherwise I am a dishonest, selfish, not trust able guy, – with other words a disgusting guy… This is one of my life rules and a must for my profession.

It is mandatory when I live a high morality life, that I love everybody regardless which kind of person it is. If not, then my morality is a hindrance for my life; because of my morality I can’t love everybody… So more rules we have for ourself, so more can other people, (family, spouse, friends) hurt our rules, and make us upset, depressed, fearful or sad. So less rules we have, so happier we can live and socialize with other people.

For what are so much rules good…? Ego trip! If we reduce our life to a minimum of rules we will live much happier! A Sufi can break and keep every rule! Because a Sufi know that every rule is a veil in front of God/Allah/Divine. The identification with rules is a hindrance to connect with the Divine. Because God has no rules… can not be understand….

Bible: Letter Romans: What is greater then the 10 commandments? Love! If we would have total love, we would not need any rules. We can learn through rules, moralities in order to become better; – our goal should be love.

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