Rudi Zimmerer

How to get humiliated?

But I don’t want!!!

That is the best way to get humiliated, it not to want.

It is better when you don’t care to lose your face or not…

The anxiety to lose our face is unnecessary …

It is one of the greatest obstacles in our life the fear to lose our face!

Some examples…

One of the greatest life coaches saw his dream partner… He went straight toward her and admitted: My heart is beating like crazy. I am so nervous to see you and to speak to you… One week later, they were married.

As a pupil, I was shy, and I (16 years old) attended a dancing class. Somehow, I failed to do something and I had to choose a girl to dance the tango in front of 160 people … When I looked at a girl, she instantly turned away… I was stuttering… it got worse. And then I went to the female dance instructor and asked her to dance with me… All were laughing, I turned red…
Still, it had helped me a lot.

As a student, I had to speak in front of 300 students. I started to stutter… Messed up, got angry and then I could speak fluently…

What you see on these examples, first you get humiliated and then the things what you want.

We take ourselves too seriously and that is our problem.

One famous Therapist (Veeresh, Humaniversity): Demanded that we should go on the marketplace in our town (Bremen) and do the weirdest thing to get attention….. I have done some very crazy Qigong exercises: to be a bird and to fly… It was so crazy…

And afterward, I felt so free… like that flying bird…

We have built our jail by ourselves and only we can break that jail.

Most of the inventors got humiliated for their ideas… For instance, Christoph Columbus intended to prove that the world is not a disk.

We have in us a 3 years old child and our superego (6-year-old child). Our 3 years old kid wants to have fun, sex, and Rock n’Roll. Our superego wants to fit perfectly in the society and wants that everybody is taking him seriously.

And that superego is our hindrance:

1.) to have fun,
2.) to become successful,
3.) to get the things that we want…

Get rid of your fears to get humiliated and do the things that will humiliate you…

Afterward, you will be so thankful and happy that you have done so. If you do it in the right way you feel that a heavy burden of personality is released. You will celebrate that day.
Maybe it will be the best day of your life!

My Video: How to get humiliated?
My Audio on Podcast: RELAX WITH MEDITATION or see link in the end.
My Audio:

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