Rudi Zimmerer

How to recover from overwhelming?

Your computer fails if the Main Hard Disk is full and heavy fragmented.

First, we unload the Hard Disk from unnecessary files or programs and then defragment the Hard Disk.

And so we do it with our overwhelmed life that can lead to severe diseases.
Stress is the cause number1 of illness or death.

First, escape from that chaos and relax. Consider an excellent Spa, because to relax is easier.

What is really important?

Organize your life after the 80/20 rule. The 80/20 rule says that 20% of our efforts are creating 80% of our Outcome… With other words, we can skip 80% of our tasks, jobs, friends.

Make your Fear lists with the worst possible outcomes. Prioritize them. Then you have your fears under your controls.

Make a stress list… What stress is necessary and what not? Get rid of all unnecessary stress from jobs, tasks, and stress-makers (be it your parents or relatives or friends).

Make your to do list.

Make your have done lists.

Make your daily schedules.

Write down everything that comes to your mind.

Stop procrastination. How to stop procrastination? See link at the end.

Slow down and relax.
You don’t need to make every job ready to the same time or in a too short period. So faster you work so more mistakes you make. Make one job right, even it needs more time. And then start with the next job…

Save time!
You don’t need to make every 10 minutes Facebook, or to check your Emails, messages,… 2 times a day is enough… Limit your Facebook time to 15 minutes a day.

TV causes so many fears inside of us, TV harms us.


Stop taking drugs. Because drugs are making everything worse in the end…

Start or do Sport and also do Qigong, Yoga, and Meditation.

Start to enjoy your life with doing what you love.

Find friends that lift you up and support you. And get rid of friends and relatives that pull you down or stress you.

Before you start to work, look for fewer jobs that you can or must do today. Identify the Why you want to do them. Find the How you would like to do them.

When you don’t like jobs particularly, ask yourself why you don’t like them. Ask your friends how to change your attitude that you like these jobs. Understand that everything has two poles, a positive and a negative pole. And you mainly focus on the negative if you don’t like a job.

My Video: How to recover from overwhelming?

My Audio on Podcast: RELAX WITH MEDITATION or see link in the end.
My Audio:

Procrastination ( )

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