Rudi Zimmerer

How to start with meditation 3?

Sound strategy

With the right sound, we can move our energy to the place we want.
Even we don’t have to express the sound loudly …
The Sufis and the Taoists have developed great sound strategies to become blissful and to heal the body.

For every organ exist a specific sound and for a different region of our body exist specific sounds. And we can move from one area to another area the energy with different sounds. For this, we use different sounds…

For instance, the Sufis are using the Dikir “Huh” “Allah” .The “Huh”- the sound is pronounced like the vocal of the “Foot, look, school” and the “Allah” is pronounced like the vocal of “run, just”. With the “Huh” we activate the first chakra and with “Allah” the heart chakra and so the energy rises from the first chakra to the heart chakra.

And we can combine the sound strategies with body movements like the methods of Sufis (Sufi breathing, Dikir/Sikir), Osho techniques, or the Tao techniques)… And these are very powerful techniques to become blissful and relaxed.

With the right rhythm, we can calm down our mind…
Why? When we have been a fetus we were constantly hearing the beating of our mother’s heart…
When your mother had been agitated, her heartbeat increased, your mood became agitated too…
And when your mother calmed down, her heartbeat calmed down and you calmed down too.

So that we are hooked up with the rhythm of our heart…

Again we can combine the rhythms strategy with sound strategy…

If you take for different chakras a different sound and then you chant in the slow rhythms of your heart (60 – 80Beats) you will calm down and will drive your energy from the lowest chakra upward…

For instance “ Hu Ohm Ka li” this will drive your energy from the first (Hu) chakra to the second (Ohm), forth (Ka) , and then finally to the sixth (Li) and seventh chakra (Li)…

Easy to do…

My Video: How to start with meditation 3
My Audio on Podcast: RELAX WITH MEDITATION or see link in the end.
My Audio:

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