Rudi Zimmerer

Rudi Zimmerer, International Meditation Master

How to Stop over-thinking?

We all want to make always the best possible decision. And then we think and think and think.

Tibetan proverb: when you can solve a problem through thinking then this is not a problem and when you can not solve the problem through thinking. For what is thinking good?


Generally, our subconsciousness is making all of our decisions, and then we need the logical reasons why we decide so and not different.


When I was a kid, I could not understand my parents or the grown up, how illogical they always decided and in the end, they were arguing logically why they have done it so.

It was for me a nightmare when they have taught me the 10 commands, and everybody broke the commands.


For what are all these morality, rules, logic when the people don’t care for that?

When I was 18 years old (some years ago), I could proof logical everything, and I understood to decide through logic is nonsense!


We need something different from our mind to make decisions.

The solution later!

Why we over-think?

  1. Out of fear, to make the wrong decision. How can we make the right decision when we have only 5% under our control?
  2. Out of Perfectionisms. Only Allah is perfect, so you can’t be perfect or can’t make anything perfect! We have to make always a compromise between our work standard and the time we need. If we can’t balance time with work standard, we fail. In this case, we loose too much time in thinking, that we become a failure without even to have started. Instead, to ask ourselves will my work be perfect, we believe that it is good enough and do it!
  3. Out of laziness. Maybe, You are a lazy jerk and don’t like to work because when you can not decide you don’t need to work! Get a guy who kicks you in the A… and gets it done!

It is not possible to make always the right decision! We choose to be flexible and to act fast when something is going wrong. And we decide to accept every outcome because the outcome is not so important!

You are lying on your deathbed and do you think that you regret every wrong decision in your life? |If you would do so, you never can die!

Life is for learning, and without mistakes, we can’t learn. So more mistakes we make so more we learn! What is the outcome? So more we learn so better will be the outcome!


The solution:

You have understood, we can’t determine well through our mind, if not, reread everything.


We decide through our intuition or flip a coin, or tarot, I-Ging… Or we ask somebody who should decide for us.


It is better to decide than to live in decisiveness. We need to train us to decide fast! And to learn to be flexible and to act quickly if our decision was wrong.


My Video: How to Stop over-thinking?
My Audio on Podcast: RELAX WITH MEDITATION or see link in the end.

My |Audio:

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