Rudi Zimmerer

Ideas of a madman

After my nap, I enter the kitchen and there is a big red spot from my over delicious beetroot Kimchi on the table… And I think my table has periods…

And then I have the drive to write this Blog and my Laptop needs so much time to start… He likes to torture me… I hate him…

Why I can’t be serious? Because only a madman can enjoy his life…

If I read all this nonsense that writing books or advice is hard work … It is not, it is torture for the Laptop or the Laptop keyboard … Not one single laptop keyboard has lasted more than 2 years…

Still not convinced that every moment can be fun when you stop to be seriously…

And when I read all this nonsense from the best motivational speakers… They have found the best spouses, got the best kids and the best separation…

The Auditorium doesn’t realize that these motivational speakers are just cheating and lying like Trump!

Selling dreams and delivering B. S.

Goethe described the true happiness is inside of ourselves and is independent of worldly matters…

If you chase or run after worldly happiness/ success or Spirituality you are on the wrong path!

Chasing is all the time wrong.

The inner path is to get inside happiness, bliss, love and connect with God; but without chasing!

Or do you think it is fun to put yourself under pressure to get the things that you need?

For what? Just relax and do the things in a relaxed or passionate way…

Or do you want to hunt orgasm?

I have read this insane idea of women who went to the later famous A. Robbins and complained about their orgasm instead just to enjoy it … Every woman is different and so their orgasm.

For sure, you enjoy sex much more, if you make body exercise/Yoga/Qigong and if you are thin because than you are more relaxed and more in your body and emotions.

You can’t enjoy your life when you are too much in your head…

Relax and start with meditation and make your body exercises…
And that formula is proved by the University of London…

Life is just simple. Don’t overthink just do it …

My Video: Ideas of a madman
My Audio on Podcast: RELAX WITH MEDITATION or see link in the end.
My Audio:

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