Rudi Zimmerer

Selenium for a stronger immune system

After many years the science found the benefits of Selenium for our body.
Selenium will:

Strengthen your immunity.
Benefit our heart.
Lowering blood pressure.
Powerful antioxidant.
Helps the intestines absorb nutrients.
Prevents muscle cramping.
Normalize our hormone levels.
Strengthening bones.
Prevents goiters and improves blood circulation!

Most of all people have a deficit of Selenium, like me, and so we should add more.
Our daily source should at least be 55mg.

And there is one nut, that has 40 times more selenium than any other natural source of selenium.

1 Brazil nut has 60 – 90mg Selenium.
We need only to consume 2 – 3 Brazil nuts.
The best is to grind the Brazil nut and soak it in water… I add it to my Flaxseed (omega alpha oil source), grind it …
Don’t eat too much Brazil nuts, not more than 5 because it has too much calories…
If you eat the Brazil nut, you have to chew it very much to get the benefits!

The health benefit of Brazil nut are:
A great source of vitamins such as vitamin B-complex.
It is also packed with minerals, Manganese, Selenium, Potassium, Calcium, Iron. Phosphorus and Zinc.
It is packed with anti-aging and immune-enhancing substances.
It is also rich in vitamin E and vitamin C.
Contain 14% protein

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