Rudi Zimmerer

The bacteria control our life!!!

After the new discovering written down from Bestseller Author and Heart surgeon Dr. Steven Gundry (The Longevity Paradox) the bacteria in our gut control our behavior, feelings, thinking and our food…

1.) 90% of all our cells in our body are not human cells, they are bacteria, virus, fungus, worms…
2.) And 99% of all genes in our body are not human genes…

Alone this tells us that we are invaded and conquered from bacteria….

In which state we are that depends on our bacteria in our gut…

We have inside of our cells bacteria, and the bacteria need the cell as food/home and give as exchange the cell energy…. So more energy we do have in our cells so better and younger we feel.

The bacteria in our gut are communicating with the bacteria in our cells…
And the bacteria in our gut manipulate our habits/feelings…

How does it work?

For instance, they took the excrement of obsessive rats and feed it to skinny rats…
And the skinny rats became fat…
Because the bacteria of the gut had manipulated their feeding habit….

The gut bacteria of the obsessive rats want more food, they communicate that to the bacteria in the cells, and they determine that the skinny rat eats more…

If you do have the habit of to be healthy, you do have in the gut healthy bacteria that commands healthy food…

The next example, there was a Female Marathon runner, and she had severe colon disorder… They put inside her colon the excrement of her cousin… And within a half year, her bowel was healed, and she got fat… Because her cousin was also fat…

This means this tiny bacteria controlled her behavior.

The reason is again the obsessive bacteria love white sugar, saturated fats, and they communicated this to the bacteria inside of the cells…

What is about our feelings?

They put from depressed mice the gut bacteria in happy mice… and the happy mice got depressed… And they reversed the experiment and given gut bacteria from happy mice to depressed mice … and the depressed mice became happy…

1930, they have done the same experiment with chronicle depressed people, and 2/3 of the patients got cured.

What is with longevity?

They put from young animals the gut bacteria in old animals guts… And the old animal got young… The cells got more youthful, and the life span was increased to 30%. These gut bacteria regenerated our cells…


When we eat unhealthy food, then we have already the harmful bacteria/organism inside of us.

How to get rid of the harmful bacteria and organism?

Make a colon cleaning… read my Blog: How to detox the gut?

Eat probiotic every day as fermented vegetables or supplements…

And eat:

No acid food.
No cooked fruits, like Tomato catchup….
No industrially processed food, like white sugar, pasta, dairy products, saturated fats,…
No meat, fish, poultry.
No grains, no gluten, including Chia seeds.
No nightshade plants or lectin: like peanuts, tomatoes, peppers, paprika, eggplant, zucchini, American originated potatoes (sweet potatoes are okay)…
No beans or steam cook them.

Instead eat fruits, vegetables, salad, and few nuts and seeds.

This diet confirms the rules of the Natural Health Association, who are eating for over 200 years only raw-cost and the lifespan is 25years longer.

My Video: The bacteria control our life!!!
My Audio on Podcast: RELAX WITH MEDITATION or see link in the end.
My Audio:

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