Rudi Zimmerer

The best food for your heart.

In the USA are dying every year, 600,000 people through heart diseases. 50% of the young Adults (18-24 years) have at least one coronary heart disease risk factor, be it too much stress, high blood pressure, unhealthy food…

The good news is that 80% of young people can easily prevent heart disease.
So earlier we are starting so healthier we will be later. We begin with body-exercises and to avoid, smoking, industrially processed food, junk food, drugs…

What food is the best for our heart?

1.) Avocado
A.) Has a lot of monounsaturated fatty acids, which helps lower cholesterol levels and may help prevent blood clotting.
B.) Contain potassium, which may help control blood pressure, and
C.) magnesium, which has been associated with a lower risk of heart disease in men.

2,) Asparagus
A.) It contains vitamin K, which can help with blood clotting,
C.) Potassium, which helps regulate blood pressure.
D.) Has two nutrients that help lower blood cholesterol: soluble fiber and saponins

3.) Plain Cacao powder or Cocoa (is heated up Cacao)
Put a spoon full of Cacao powder in a glass of hot water and add honey. And drink it at least 3 times per week.
A.)Because of the flavonoid, – antioxidants that can help suppress LDL or “bad” cholesterol.
B.) Flavonoid keeps the arteries flexible and prevents white blood cells from sticking to the walls of blood vessels.
C.) and magnesium, which has been associated with a lower risk of heart disease in men.

4.) Kale, Watercress, Romain lettuce, spinach, China cabbage, and leafy cabbage.
A.) Source of alpha-linolenic acid that improves the heart.
B.) It has the inflammation-fighting phytonutrients that can prevent plaque formation on your arteries.
C.) Rich in Lutein that protects against atherosclerosis and so prevents heart attack or stroke.
D.) Rich in Potassium, Magnesium

5.) Lentils is the very best…
A.) Thanks to their high fiber, folate, and magnesium content.
B.) Decrease the risk of death by heart disease by as much as a whopping 82 percent.
C.) Magnesium helps lower blood pressure, folate lowers the level of a damaging amino acid in the bloodstream.

6.) Nuts/Oil-Seeds (not peanuts)
A.) Improve cholesterol through unsaturated fats.
B.) For instance, Walnut and Flaxseed contain an omega-3 fatty acid that prevents blood clots.
C.) If you eat them every day, it will lower your risk for Heart diseases by 29%.

7.) Oranges
A.) Rich on Pectin that blocks cholesterol absorption and helps prevent the scarring of heart tissue.
B.) Potassium can help keep blood pressure in check.

My Video: The best food for your heart.
My Audio on Podcast: RELAX WITH MEDITATION or see link in the end.
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