Rudi Zimmerer

The best remedies to drink…

Best in the morning for boosting up the immune system…

Make ginger/ lemon juice at least 3/4l.

Heat water up to 50 Celsius not higher!
Grind ginger and put so much ginger inside so that it doesn’t get too spicy.
Wait 10 minutes.
Add lemon juice so it doesn’t get too acid…
Filter/sieve out the ground ginger
And ad honey…


If you cached a cold/ virus infection…

Heat water up to 50 Celsius not higher, at least 1/2l!
Grind ginger and put so much ginger inside so that it doesn’t get too spicy…
Put Thyme so much inside that it will still taste good…
Wait 10 minutes.
Add lemon juice so it doesn’t get too acid…
Ad honey…

Thyme is the very best herb for respiratory diseases/virus infection, ginger will kill all bacteria…
And then drink it on an empty stomach.


Get 100 to 150 gr. Dried Cranberry…
Cover them with warm water, up to 50 Celsius…100 to 150ml water.
(Never cook any fruits, it is the worst for the Kidneys, besides Coffee!)
Ad Apple (cider) vinegar 10 to 15ml….
Wait 10 minutes…
Blend it until it is smooth and looks delicious like a baby pudding!
Add 200 – 300ml water… If you fill before the first blending the 200 to 300ml water, you never get it smooth like a baby pudding.
Blend it again.

Make ginger/ lemon juice at least 1/2l
Heat water up to 50 Celsius not higher!
Grind ginger and put so much ginger inside so that it doesn’t get too spicy.
Wait 10 minutes
Add lemon juice so it doesn’t get too acid…
Filter/sieve out the ground ginger
And ad honey…

And then drink both on an empty stomach…

My Video: The best remedies to drink…
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