Rudi Zimmerer

The Chariot

This Tarot card is so important to understand when we want to accomplish our goals in the future.

We want to go on a new path in our life and for that, we do need determination, direction, perseverance, faith, and braveness.

We don’t know the path in front of us still we go forward….

And we do have two Sphinxes that are pulling our chariot…

We don’t know the intentions, or moods of both our Sphinxes…

Both Sphinxes are the opposing sides in us, for instance, inner child/superego; Yin and Yang…

Until both sides inside of us are fighting we can’t reach our destination!

We do have to understand both sides inside of us and unite them instead to fight them.

If we do so, then our Sphinxes will lead us on a perfect, even for us unknown path to our destiny.

The Sphinxes lead us on a path that we have not chosen…
Because life is different than we can imagine/think in advance.

We should be always ready to change our approach or path to our goals when there are new and better opportunities…

Still, we don’t know in advance, how these changes will work out.

We can learn from any failure on our path.
We profit in any case…

We do need faith and intuition…

Until we are anxious we don’t have faith and intuition.

First, relax and understand that any goal accomplishing is not important.
It is important to learn the skills to overcome obstacles on the path…

The path is the goal!

So, go forward with determination, direction, perseverance, faith, and braveness.

My Video: The Chariot
My Audio:





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