Rudi Zimmerer

The five pillars of wealth

If we think that money/success and worldly pleasure are everything we get lost or follow a wrong prophet.

The 5 pillars of wealth are faith in yourself and in God, health by living a healthy lifestyle, honesty, and independence of worldly things.


1.) If we don’t have faith in ourselves we can’t get the things done… we are lost. Faith is the reason that we win and a lack of faith will lead to failure.

2.) Without health, everything is lost. The sick bed is the most expensive place because we can’t send another person to be sick for ourselves or we can’t buy time when we are terminal ill. Who doesn’t care for his health is a fool. Why is 80% of the wealth in the USA in the hands of the widows? Fools die early!!!

3.) If we can’t be honest,- we can’t be honest with ourselves. We live in an illusion that never comes true. People get divorced after 30 unhappy years because they didn’t like to face the problems in their relationship. And the relationship failed through their ignorance. Our dishonesty will lead to ignorance and then to bankruptcy. Without honesty, true love is not possible.
Even worse, with cheating and lying, we can’t expect in the longterm healthy fruits. And we lose our self-respect. The price is too high!

4.) What I have watched over many years that many successful people are independent of worldly pleasure.
They don’t chase success or money because they love what they do. And through that, they attract the success and money.
If we are a slave of worldly pleasure, we never find peace in the mind, can’t relax, can’t stick to a healthy lifestyle, can’t live healthy relationships, can’t be honest….

5.) If we don’t have faith in God or in the power of God we can’t see the bigger vision. And we can’t expect to get the help if we are overwhelmed or in disasters. Faith in God is priceless.

My Video: The five pillars of wealth
My Audio on Podcast: RELAX WITH MEDITATION or see link in the end.
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