Rudi Zimmerer

The Law of Attraction and Law of Karma

The Law of Attraction is working for everybody, we attract what is inside of us, regardless of whether we are aware of it or not.

The law of attraction also involves the law of Karma.
The Law of Karma isn’t something that everybody can understand as easily. Buddha said: Simply thinking about Karma brings us to madness, so don’t overthink it.

The stronger our feelings are for something that we want, or do not want. – The bigger the attraction.

Our negative emotions are much stronger than our positive ones, so we attract what we:

Are afraid of
Are angry about
Don’t want to…
Have a Bad conscious of

It makes much more sense for us to focus on the things we do want!

The psychology has proved that we continuously repeat situations/dramas/traumas from our childhood until we have full awareness of it… So the harder our youth was, so more complicated our lives will be when we are adults.

Even scientists have proved that we manipulate our environment/people to get the same results that we got in certain situations of our childhood… If we had, for instance, significant problems with our mother about our tidiness/or getting angry in a given situation, we are likely to have the same type of challenges with our spouse.

So we need awareness of what we are doing.

If we steal something and have an evil consciousness about this deed… Then we are likely to attract the police through our fear.

The Vedanta gives us, even more, clues that most people do not understand. If a person steals something and is identified with this deed, then he is the thief. If the individual is not identified, then he is not the doer. -If he is not the doer, then he doesn’t attract the punishment.

We can now understand why many wicked people don’t attract the struggles that they deserve. We might think these evil guys are going to Hell, but I don’t personally believe in hell outside of myself. On the other hand, the established religions are living very well from this “hell.” In other words, give me your money, and I free you from your sins, and then you don’t have to go to hell! This is really a good business!

With the law of Karma, for every deed we do, whether it be good or a bad, we receive the same back… From my own life experience, I can see that this does not always work for everybody.

It comes even better if we have no identification for anything after the Vedanta, we are higher than the Gods, and we can control the world.

Krishna said identification is sorrow, or identification is ego! If we have no identification, we are beyond worldly matters. The solution is simple, work on your ego, and become good at meditation.

My video: The Law of Attraction and Law of Karma
My Audio on Podcast: RELAX WITH MEDITATION or see link in the end.
My Audio:

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