Rudi Zimmerer

The magic formula to change yourself

Everything is scientifically proofed…

If I ask myself why I am totally healthy, totally fit, hard to beat in sports, enjoy my life, and that by the age of 65 years…

When I was 20 years old, I was so sick and depressed…
This means we can change our attitude and our body…

People don’t believe in God, but in Doctors and never recovered from their sickness…
So they remain the same and do the same and get the same, instead to change their life/attitude …

If you tell them that every disease or bad body condition can be healed and that I can prove by myself… They deny it because they want to be the same.
In this condition, if you think you can’t change or you can’t be healed you are correct!

What will happen if you think, that you can be healed and enjoy your life?
Then you can do that too.
And that is 100% scientifically proven!

Never trust any doctor who gives you a low chance of healing…
Because there exist always therapies that can cure every disease…
You have just to look for that. And I can prove that!

We have to understand if we can’t change our emotions, our bodies can’t be healed!
For healing the body we have to change the emotions…

For instance:
If we are stressed out.
Or worrying too much.
Or too much anger.
Too much fear.
Too much depression.

We can’t heal our body and even worse, we get sick…

At least we should accept the disease and be thankful for that disease and for our life.

We have to be aware of our negative emotions and thoughts in order to change them!

For this, we meditate and watch as a neutral witness our emotions and thoughts…
Even when we are totally agitated/nervous/upset.-
Still, we watch neutral our emotions and thoughts….
Everything is good, – never judge your emotions/thoughts negatively!

And then our minds and body will change!
Yes, and that happened to me! And that is possible for everybody.

If we look that we are doing things more and more that we enjoy also our body will profit from that!

If our brains are changing, our lives will change too…
And that is possible with imagination and positive emotions…
Without positive emotions, we/our brains can’t change!

They have done it with weight lifting with piano playing.., and the best athletes doing the same!

The people who have done physical weightlifting compared with the people who just only done the imagination of weight lifting with positive emotions as if they have done it. – Got the same results. The same was true for piano playing…

If we go up in the morning with negative emotions/thoughts. –
Guess our entire day will be ruined.
That means, we have to prime our minds to go up with positive emotions and thoughts…

What happens if we release our negative emotions before we go to bed?
And if we think of what things we are thankful for?

Then the morning will be positive and so the entire day…

If we hate things to do, we look that we change our attitude toward them or ask our friends what we can learn from that, and how can we change our attitude?

Everything has 2 sides positive and negative and both sides have the same size.

For instance, I was hating to get interrupted and go on the phone…
My supervisor decided You hate that, okay then you are responsible for my phone when I am not present and the other supervisor did the same…
And I am happy that my supervisors challenged me…

After a short time, I was responsible for the entire department and made the decisions for my supervisors when they were not present…
Later I became nearly everywhere the supervisor…


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