Rudi Zimmerer

The super nutrient Spermidine for aging

Beside Creatine, Taurine and Maca

Actually, if you eat Natto, the Japanese fermented Soybean for longevity and osteoporosis…
You already eat enough Spermidine…

We should consume 5 to 26mg of Spermidine per day.

Spermidine is naturally polyamine that is responsible for autophagy…
This means removing unnecessary or dysfunctional components, like cells that can cause inflammation, disease, even death…
Even better, it recycles the dysfunctional components like when we are fasting for several days.

One benefit of fasting is autophagy.

Women have a problem to do fasting, because they lose fat, on their faces, and bosoms, which makes them unattractive.

They can choose to eat enough Spermidine… which means 5 to 26mg per day…

In addition, we can improve our cognitive function, when we consume the optimum on Spermidine in our food or as a supplement.

If we want to remain healthy when we are aging or even increase our lifespan, Spermidine will be helpful…

Spermidine has an anti-aging benefit.

Our body produces Spermidine and Spermine (which is similar to Spermidine).
Spermine is found in the semen of males.

1. It is produced by cellular syntheses, (something our cells make)
2. In the gut by microbial synthesis
3. Food…

The food that contains the highest amount of Spermidine:

1- Natto and Tempeh showed the highest content of Polyamines 75-124mg and 11-24 mg per 100g of Spermidine and Spermine, respectively.

2- Wheat germ
Wheat germ has 24.3mg of Spermidine per 100g.

3- Cheddar (and mature cheeses)
Like many mature kinds of cheese (Gouda, Brie, Parmesan, Gorgonzola…), Cheddar is chock-full of Spermidine with a content nudging 20mg/100g.

4- Mushrooms
Vitamins B3 and D, selenium, potassium, and phosphorus: nutrition-wise, mushrooms are already high performers. But to add to their ranking, they are one of the most Spermidine-rich plant foods with an impressive 8.8 mg/100 g.

5- Peas
Halfway between a green vegetable and a pulse, peas are often combined with carrots in canned products. But did you know they are packed with Spermidine (6.5 mg/100 g)?

6- Hazelnuts
Few oleaginous fruits contain substantial levels of Spermidine, the one exception being hazelnuts, with a respectable 2.1 mg/100 g.

7- Mangoes
Clocking up 3mg of Spermidine per 100g, mangoes are also notable for their vitamin A content (in the form of beta-carotene, responsible for their orange color) as well as polyphenols (including Gallic acid, mainly in ripe fruit).

Combine them with bananas (0.86 mg/100 g) to end your meal on an exotic note and at the same time boost your Spermidine intake.

8- Cabbage vegetables
Do you prefer cauliflower or broccoli? If you’re not a fan of either of these cabbages, bear in mind that their florets (or leaves) contain an average of 2.5mg of Spermidine per 100g.
Eat them raw or steamed to get the maximum benefit from their vitamins, minerals, and sulfur compounds.

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