Rudi Zimmerer

What is going on Now?

The beginning of the Kali Yuga

The politicians and the mass hate honesty and the cheating is going through the roof…
Trump, Obama, Merkel, Macron, May, Johnson, had been our role models ..

You can feed the mass every lie, nobody protests…

The politicians or the media (lying machine) need no proof, assumptions are enough and the next wars or sanctions can be started easily,… For instance, you can read in the press the Chinese government put 2 Millions Muslims in detention lager… where is the proof?

To be honest, is today the biggest sin…

How can people choose their own hangman…?

Putin is our enemy because he tries to be honest…

President Xi Jinping tries even more to censor the people, so Hong Kong had to follow up, and critics go to the labor camps… I recommend that is the best place for our politicians.

Our great Peace Nobel prize winner Obama, started again with the Russia Cold war, bombed the hell out of Syria and Liberia, founded new terror organizations… And merciless bombed innocent people with his drones (without even a permission of a judge). For that you get the Peace Nobel prize in advance! Why do they not call it the war and cruelty Nobel prize?

Obama and Merkel started to control and censor the internet to get rid of critics and the people didn’t care…

Trump can hardly differentiate between his lies… He lies like crazy and projects all the evil things that he is making on other innocent countries … and even he is putting huge pressure/ sanctions on his NATO countries and dealing with them as his enemy…

The press agrees that everything that the USA is doing is okay and everything that is not in line of the USA is evil and must be punished. That is democracy and press freedom?
What is the difference between Dictatorship and Democracy?

Money printing like crazy, again nobody dares to criticize that in the press…

The people overtake the strategies of Trump and deal in the same way…

With this new censorship is everything possible…

So what, the people try to justify every insanity by their leaders…

And because their leaders are cheating and lying, guess they do the same…

The pharmaceutical industry with doctors poison us and so shorten our life…
The food industry poisons us with their food..

In the UK, during the covid crises, the hospitals released long-term patients because they didn’t have enough beds and killed over 50,000 patients, mostly the elderly, disabled, heart and cancer patients… again no protest.. Who cares for the elderly… But to reduce the hospital beds drastically was in the UK a good dead!

And through the covid crises the people lost their job and so 175Mill People facing starvation … Beside that, the normal virus for catching a cold kills 7.5 Mill people per year. For instance, my Grandfather, the father of my friend, died of lung infection. What is more dangerous, the covid virus or the normal virus?

The Hindu scripture describes that as the Kali Yuga…

My Video: What is going on Now?
My Audio on Podcast: RELAX WITH MEDITATION or see link in the end.
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