Rudi Zimmerer

What is the purpose of a goal?

This question looks stupid….

The purpose of a goal is that you want to accomplish in a certain time frame something meaningful in your life…

For every goal we have to invest our time, afford, energy or money. And normally we have also to suffer for our goals, because normally not everything works in our favor.

And often we cannot reach our goal and so we suffer. Even we have learned something meaningful.

If we have a goal, then we know for what we have to suffer… And we didn’t have wasted our time for meaningless things.

Everybody has to suffer regardless of what…
With a goal, we know for what we live and suffer…

If we don’t have a goal, then other people will control us to accomplish their goals… And they don’t care how we feel when they control or exploit us!

In a normal family the parents are controlling their kids… If the parents don’t care what the kids want to become guess they blackmail/brainwash the kids to become what they want…

In a firm the boss wants to accomplish his goals. Guess if you have conflicting goals with the goals of your boss you have to fight for your goals or to agree that you cannot stick to your goals or to leave the firm!

How does the goal work out for our future?

We want to reach something that will be forgotten tomorrow. It becomes meaningless over time… Still, it is a challenge that gives us something… Like a brick in a wall.
Without that brick we are unfocused and feel meaningless.

The path is the goal…
We should enjoy our journey!
Otherwise, our goal becomes an obstacle to enjoy our life!

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