Rudi Zimmerer

What we reject persist

The religions reject the worldly or mundane things to gain spirituality.

The spirituality is not possible without the worldly things.

And the mundane world is not possible without the spiritual world.

Both the world and spirituality are necessary…

For instance, when Rama said I want to renounce the world …
His spiritual teacher said is there anything that is not God?

The great Sufi Atar said: If you discriminate between the spiritual and mundane world, you are not far on the inner path, you are just a beginner!

God expresses himself through worldly things and in the spiritual world.

We cannot see/perceive the spiritual world, still the spiritual world exists.

If we reject the world we get punished by the world.
And if we reject God/Spirituality we don’t get the benefits of the spiritual world…

We depend from so many things in our environment, many times we fail because we don’t have anything under our control! For instance, we can die at any moment.

If we have luck, then we can get our things done …

But what is luck?
Is there any coincidence?
The irrationality is in-definitive larger than any rationality…
What we attract in our life is beyond of our mind.
Still, it is true, we attract what is inside of ourselves…
But we don’t know what is inside of ourselves…
If we purify ourselves from our insides blockages, traumas that hinder us to get what we want, we attract what we want…

So the law of attraction is true.

If we have total faith in God, then miracles happen, just so… I can proof that,- many miracles have happened to me.- I have already written about that in my episodes…
I will write a whole book about that…
You can deny a personal God but this will never works in your favor… If you want to have faith in the Lord you have to work/sacrifice hard for it… It is not for free.

For the worldly things, we have to work and that often even very hard.

And here comes the problem that spiritual people don’t like to work…
So they live in monastery, temples and the worldly people have to work hard for them…
Still, most of these monks and nuns are very arrogant, they think that they are beyond and above worldly people!

Mao destroyed so many Tibetan monasteries and killed millions of monks and nuns…
Mao thought that the monks and nuns are parasites… Because they don’t work…
Maybe Mao was correct?

Why didn’t God protect the Tibetan monks and – nuns?
We have asked the brother of the Dalai Lama this question: Why got so many monks and nuns killed? Answer: Because we have done so many sins!
Such genocide never has happened to the Christians, Muslims and Hindus.
Maybe the reason is, the Tibetans Buddhists don’t have a personal God relationship!

We live always in both worlds, mundane and spiritual world and for both we have to sacrifice something to have a wonderful life.


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