Rudi Zimmerer

Why does a conservative attitude harm us?

The world is changing and today very fast.
A conservative attitude wants that everything remains as it is…

This is Fear to change, fear of the future.

We want to be innovative and not to be conservative otherwise we can’t adapt in the best way to a situation.

I bring here some examples:

In an interview with Berthold Beitz, Chief of ThyssenKrupp and Mannesmann to his 99th birthday… The reporter praised him of his heroically acts to save 800Jews in WWII and as a steel manufacturer to create the third biggest mobile phone networks in Europe…

Berthold Beitz said simple, Stop I have also made many mistakes…
I look only forward never backward….
I am focused on what I can do now…and the past I let go…
Oh, this is so good, and he worked until he died, – 11 months later.

Bhagwan/Osho was growing up at his grandparents. When they were traveling to the city, his grandfather died. His grandmother never went back even they had a huge house with many servants…
Bhagwan asked: Why? His grandmother said, we never can go back because the world is changing. She also became Bhagwan’s first disciple.

Jesus said to Paulus: Let the dead bury the dead people and come….

What doesn’t serve us anymore we let go… Otherwise, it will pull us down!

A religious pundit defines God and what we should do.
A religious person tunes in God follows God and never define God.
Because God is changing all the time. So it never will exist a conservative God only an innovative God.
Never define God or put God in a box.
We even can’t understand ourselves, how can we understand God?
Be in the flow. The religious scriptures are just the index finger that is pointing on the moon but doesn’t let your index finger become bigger than the moon (Zen).

My Video: Why does a conservative attitude harm us?
My Audio on Podcast: RELAX WITH MEDITATION or see link in the end.
My Audio:

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