Rudi Zimmerer


Why can’t we get what we want? When I see all these fast fixes, that never helps, like Western medicine, of self sabotage remedies, or to be fat,… Why we are ill (Western medicine never ask this scientific question Why; what is the reason that we got this disease?) , why we are self sabotage us, … why we don’t have our success? Why? If we can’t find the answer, nothing will really help us! Even I am a very emotional guy, I never could understand that mostly of all people are ignoring this Why. Before we can’t answer the Why, we can’t find any good solution… And it is so simple… Before you go to bed ask this Why… for your specific outcome… and the answer must come … And the answer will may be hurt us, because the trueness hurts at most…. We are mostly of the time, out of course. Compare it with a sailing boat, that needs to sail in a Zigzag course against the wind in order to reach his destination….How is it, if we celebrate every micro step in the right direction,- this will help us to gain confidence… And with confidence it is much easier to go forward… The reasons for self sabotage are, that we have ignored the needs of our inner child (love, playtime… ) or that we feel not worth to get our outcome; that we don’t want to change our life, that it is easier to live in our pig stall instead to live in a palace; that we are under stress and tension, so that we can’t find the best solution; that we don’t want to try out something new, instead we are following old strategies; to be conservative instead to be innovative; that we are too identified with our desire; that we don’t enjoy our life….; First enjoy our life and then ask the Why! If we can’t enjoy our life, then we are not ready for the Why!

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